Structural characteristics of ditch die
家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅 保定水处理设备 河北机械加工 北京电动门 保定养老院 保定防水而言动模是按照移动模板上面的,开始工作时肯定会发生移动,而定模是安装在设备上的固定模板上面,
For this kind of mold, its components are also special, which is enough
to attract our attention. The ditch mold is mainly composed of moving
mold and fixed mold. Generally speaking, the moving mold is on the
moving template, which will move when starting work, and the fixed mold
is installed on the fixed template on the equipment,
During the operation of the whole set of equipment, its application
function is mainly through these two parts. Moreover, the nature and
structure of the product are directly related to our mold, and the
unique design of these two parts also has a great impact on the product.